
Created by Aurélien Gâteau and last modified
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Branch information

Aurélien Gâteau
LightDM GTK Greeter

Recent revisions

8. By Aurélien Gâteau

Make sure code can find greeter.ui (and other files)

It seems variables defined in data/Makefile.am are not available to code in
src/Makefile.am. I "fixed" this by moving the content of src/Makefile.am and
data/Makefile.am to the toplevel Makefile.am. I'd be happy to update the branch
if there is a better way to do this (my autotools skills are a bit rusty)

7. By Robert Ancell

Releasing 1.1.1

6. By Robert Ancell

Translate login prompts using the translations from PAM

5. By Gunnar Hjalmarsson

Language chooser modifications:
  * Handle @variants properly.
  * Prevent locales from appearing twice in the language chooser.

4. By Robert Ancell

Update translation files removing translations that were not part of the GTK greeter

3. By Robert Ancell

Add LINGUAS file

2. By Robert Ancell

Copy over translations

1. By Robert Ancell

Split lightdm-gtk-greeter out of lightdm

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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