Merge lp://staging/~adrien-saladin/ptools/bzrrev into lp://staging/ptools

Proposed by Adrien Saladin
Status: Merged
Approved by: Adrien Saladin
Approved revision: no longer in the source branch.
Merge reported by: Adrien Saladin
Merged at revision: not available
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~adrien-saladin/ptools/bzrrev
Merge into: lp://staging/ptools
Diff against target: 816 lines (+77/-368)
43 files modified
.bzrignore (+2/-0)
PyAttract/ (+5/-4)
SConstruct (+2/-10)
atom.cpp (+0/-1)
atom.h (+0/-3)
atomselection.cpp (+0/-1)
atomselection.h (+0/-1)
attractrigidbody.cpp (+0/-1)
attractrigidbody.h (+0/-1)
basetypes.cpp (+0/-1)
basetypes.h (+0/-1) (+39/-0)
coord3d.cpp (+0/-1)
coord3d.h (+0/-1)
coordsarray.cpp (+0/-1)
coordsarray.h (+0/-1)
derivify.h (+0/-1)
forcefield.cpp (+0/-1)
forcefield.h (+0/-1)
geometry.cpp (+0/-1)
geometry.h (+0/-1) (+3/-4)
mcopff.cpp (+0/-1)
mcopff.h (+0/-1)
pairlist.cpp (+0/-1)
pairlist.h (+0/-1)
pdbio.cpp (+0/-1)
pdbio.h (+0/-1)
ptools.h (+0/-1)
py_details.h (+0/-1)
rigidbody.cpp (+0/-1)
rigidbody.h (+0/-1)
rmsd.cpp (+0/-1)
rmsd.h (+0/-1)
screw.h (+0/-1)
superpose.cpp (+0/-1)
superpose.h (+0/-1)
surface.cpp (+0/-1)
surface.h (+0/-1)
svnrev.c (+0/-280)
svnrev.h (+0/-18)
version.cpp (+6/-6)
version.h (+20/-10)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~adrien-saladin/ptools/bzrrev
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Pierre Poulain Approve
Review via email:

Description of the change

switch from svnrev to a bzr-powered revision numbering system.

Please test :)

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Revision history for this message
Pierre Poulain (pierrepo) wrote :

How do I test correctly?
Just downloading the branch, compiling PTools and running PyAttract?

Revision history for this message
Pierre Poulain (pierrepo) wrote :

I tried. Compiled fine.
I get this with

** ATTRACT (Python edition) **
** version: 0.3 **
using PTools rev.:433, from branch: bzrrev, unique id: <email address hidden>

I am not sure "version: 0.3" means anything. Is it for major revision, i.e milestones?
Instead of "0.3", could we have "1.0"?

Can you remove ":" after version, PTools, branch and unique id?

Revision history for this message
Adrien Saladin (adrien-saladin) wrote :

I'll do this tonight.
Should I encapsulate revision number, unique id, etc inside the
Attract header, instead of
'version 0.3' ?


On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 11:16 AM, Pierre Poulain <email address hidden> wrote:
> I tried. Compiled fine.
> I get this with
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> **********************************************************************
> **                ATTRACT  (Python edition)                         **
> **                version: 0.3                                      **
> **********************************************************************
> using PTools rev.:433, from branch: bzrrev, unique id: <email address hidden>
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I am not sure "version: 0.3" means anything. Is it for major revision, i.e milestones?
> Instead of "0.3", could we have "1.0"?
> Can you remove ":" after version, PTools, branch and unique id?
> --
> You are the owner of lp:~adrien-saladin/ptools/bzrrev.

Revision history for this message
Pierre Poulain (pierrepo) wrote :

I believe we should have two numberings.
One corresponding to the PTools library revision number (i.e 433), updated automatically by bazaar.
A second, corresponding to the PTools library version number (i.e. 1.0.4c a this time), updated manually and linked to what launchpad calls milestones.

As I said, revision number is increased at each commit. We increase version number only if major improvements have been brought to PTools.

The revision numbering system is coded in PTools (this is the purpose of this branch).
Could we had a version numbering system in PTools ? For example, in defining a new "std::string verstr" in version.h and setting up "this->verstr = 1.0.4c" in version.ccp

This way we could have:

** ATTRACT (Python edition) **
** version: 1.0.4c **
using PTools rev.:433, from branch: bzrrev, unique id: <email address hidden>

434. By Adrien Saladin

minor output format fix

Revision history for this message
Adrien Saladin (adrien-saladin) wrote :

Did my last commit fix the version issue ?

Revision history for this message
Pierre Poulain (pierrepo) wrote :

Yes and no.
Yes for the revision numbering and no for the version numbering.
"version: this is a development version," is not sufficient.
However, I will approve the branch.
I guess we have to talk more on the version numbering, I'll raise a bug for it.

review: Approve
435. By Adrien Saladin

cleaning all $Id$ from .h and .cpp files

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