Publishing details


ubuntu-dev-tools (0.165~ubuntu16.04.1~ppa1) xenial; urgency=medium

  * No-change backport to xenial

ubuntu-dev-tools (0.165) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Team upload.
  * Bump debhelper compat level to 11.
  * Fix FTBFS due to newest tar being picker about arguments order.
    Closes: #897478

ubuntu-dev-tools (0.164) unstable; urgency=medium

  * mk-sbuild: Initialise ubuntu_dist_ge vars so unknown releases work.

ubuntu-dev-tools (0.163) unstable; urgency=medium

  * mk-sbuild: Add ubuntu_dist_ge and use it to set BUILD_PKGS for Ubuntu.

ubuntu-dev-tools (0.162) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Mattia Rizzolo ]
  * Team upload.
  * Fix test failures with newer flake8 and pylint.  Closes: #891721
  * Bump Standards-Version to 4.1.4, no changes needed.
  * Set Rules-Requires-Root:no.
  * Drop superseded X-Python(3)-Version fields.
  * Add a dependency on sensible-utils, as we use sensible-editor(1).
  * Change Maintainer address to <email address hidden>, to
    assist with the alioth deprecation.

  [ Dimitri John Ledkov ]
  * mk-sbuild: add support for 'overlay' in favor of older 'overlayfs'.

  [ Scott Kitterman ]
  * pbuilder-dist: add a --backports option to make it easier to build for
    backports when dependencies from backports are needed.

ubuntu-dev-tools (0.161) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Team upload.
  * Upload to unstable.
  * [939c2a2] Bump Standards-Version to 4.0.0, no changes needed.

ubuntu-dev-tools (0.160) experimental; urgency=medium

  * [798a36c] subprocess: Use getfullargspec on python3.  Closes: #867901

ubuntu-dev-tools (0.159) experimental; urgency=medium

  [ Mattia Rizzolo ]
  * [1c6b989] Move packaging to git.
  * [3c138f6] Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.8, no changes needed.
  * [88fbffa] Bump debhelper compat level to 10.

  [ Unit 193 ]
  * [f67601c] mk-sbuild, pull-debian-{debdiff,source}: Switch from to as the default mirror for Debian.

  [ Ursula Junque (Ursinha) ]
  * [6fea8fb] Fix behavior of getBinaryPackage in lpapicache.  It was using
    the same parameters to get Source and Binary packages build history, but
    source packages need a distro series, and binary packages need distro arch
    series, as the results are arch dependent.

  [ Anatoly Techtonik ]
  * [bf52bd6] backportpackage: improve python3 compatibility.

  [ Benjamin Drung ]
  * [6ee0915] Add .gitignore
  * [ba16daf] Repair pylint test case.  The --include-ids parameter was
    dropped from pylint and thus the command failed as was skipped. Repair the
    pylint check and add support for Python 3.
  * [67c353d] Raise maximum line length to 99
  * [3a6cd3a] Fix pylint3 error (for Python 2 support code)
  * [cc7170e] Fix all flake8 issues
  * [18ae4d8] Add flake8 check to test suite

  [ Mattia Rizzolo ]
  * [001d108] Recommend cowbuilder, not cowdancer.

  [ Iain Lane ]
  * [a6043a6] Remove the `harvest' command, and all other integration with the
    Harvest service, since it has been shut down.
  * [4471193] ubuntu-build: Pass the pocket through to the archive permission
    check. So that we can retry builds in releases where the release pocket is
    frozen - for example so that backporters can retry backports builds.
  * [179f45c] Add some more ignores for pylint. It doesn't work very well
    with apt_pkg.
  * [44dc0a9] debian/gbp.conf: Add gbp-dch configuration
  * [d41602b] debian/README.source: Add with some instructions about changelog
  * [0a3738c] Fix some 2/3 differences and run pylint with confidence=HIGH.
    Too many false positives otherwise.

ubuntu-dev-tools (0.158) experimental; urgency=medium

  * Team upload.

  [ Dmitry Shachnev ]
  * grep-merges: Do not override author or uploader with None.
    There can be JSON entries which have uploader=None.  (LP: #1663601)

  [ Colin Watson ]
  * pbuilder-dist, ubuntu-build: Add s390x.

  [ James Page ]
  * grep-merges: Use unicode string format for pretty output to deal with
    non ascii encoding.

  [ Corey Bryant ]
  * pull-uca-source: Added to pull source from Ubuntu Cloud Archive.
    (LP: #1661324)

ubuntu-dev-tools (0.157) unstable; urgency=medium

  * mk-sbuild: cp localtime and timezone a little harder (LP: #1569400)

ubuntu-dev-tools (0.156) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Adam Conrad ]
  * mk-sbuild: Remove references to the obsolete arm architecture, and
    allow armhf and armel to be native on arm64 systems (LP: #1579619)

  [ Luke Faraone ]
  * mk-sbuild: Pass in arguments via --debootstrap-opts (LP: #1366723)
  * mk-sbuild: Add --skip-security, like --skip-updates (LP: #1366721)

 -- Adam Stokes <email address hidden>  Tue, 10 Jul 2018 11:11:27 -0400

Available diffs


Package files