
Created by Adam Smith and last modified

Moves internet radio dependency from external to internal, by running an icecast server locally and using ices to play mp3s
Adds tests for MP3, AC3, WMV by installing restricted package
Implements podcast testing using local apache2 server providing podcast content

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bzr branch lp://staging/~adam-disc0tech/ubuntu-autopilot-tests/rhythmbox2
Only Adam Smith can upload to this branch. If you are Adam Smith please log in for upload directions.

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Branch information

Adam Smith
Ubuntu Autopilot Tests

Recent revisions

122. By Adam Smith

Additional setup tasks for ices2

121. By Adam Smith

Implemented partition table for music library treeview

120. By Adam Smith

Create ICES log directory

119. By Adam Smith

Podcast test works

118. By Adam Smith

radio test works

117. By Adam Smith

Readded Super in emulator base classes to fix startup bug

116. By Adam Smith

Implemented first pass at using tables to interrogate the music library

115. By Adam Smith

Created RhythmBoxEmulatorBase and used that for page objects instead of repurposing the GTK emulator

114. By Adam Smith

Added comments and finalised refactoring

113. By Adam Smith

Added rbox emulator

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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