Merge ~ack/maas:1928623-storage-layout-fs-allocated into maas:master

Proposed by Alberto Donato
Status: Work in progress
Proposed branch: ~ack/maas:1928623-storage-layout-fs-allocated
Merge into: maas:master
Diff against target: 216 lines (+57/-25)
4 files modified
src/maasserver/models/ (+1/-1)
src/maasserver/ (+8/-3)
src/maasserver/tests/ (+42/-14)
src/maasserver/utils/ (+6/-7)
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Björn Tillenius Needs Information
MAAS Lander Needs Fixing
Review via email:

Commit message

LP: #1928623 - set storage layout filesystems as acquired if the node is

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Revision history for this message
MAAS Lander (maas-lander) wrote :

-b 1928623-storage-layout-fs-allocated lp:~ack/maas/+git/maas into -b master lp:~maas-committers/maas

LOG: http://maas-ci.internal:8080/job/maas/job/branch-tester/10089/console
COMMIT: 82c16b015858494b028ef0bcf642861611a2b097

review: Needs Fixing
Revision history for this message
Björn Tillenius (bjornt) wrote :

I wonder if this is the right solution. What happens if you change the layout while the machine is Allocated, and then release it?

review: Needs Information
Revision history for this message
Alberto Donato (ack) wrote :

> I wonder if this is the right solution. What happens if you change the layout
> while the machine is Allocated, and then release it?

It goes back to the original layout, which is what is expected?

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