
Created by Alexandre Abreu and last modified
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Alexandre Abreu

Recent revisions

120. By Alexandre Abreu

download ap support; fix ap tests

119. By Alexandre Abreu

fix AP tests on touch

118. By PS Jenkins bot

Releasing 0.1+14.10.20140514.2-0ubuntu1

117. By Alexandre Abreu

Simplifies the manifest.json handling in some instances. More precisely when one is using a custom model search path for the webapp lookup, some restrictions are being put on what is expected to be found in the folder among which:

- a common/ subfolder (even if the webapp doesnt require one),
- one or more unity-webapps-* folders with manifest.json & *.user.js files in it,

More over the manifest files do require user scripts to be defined.

This imposes a set of constraints over a given webapp that simply wants to use the container (w/o js injection).

This simplifies it an allows one to define a manifest.json file (still with some required elements, but a smaller set), directly in the model search path. E.g. something like:

    "name": "MyWebApp",
    "homepage": "http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/",
    "domain": "bbc.co.uk",
    "includes": []

will do,

or to avoid any confusion w/ the click manifest.json file, one also searches for a webapp-properties.json w/ the same content as above.

116. By Alexandre Abreu

Cleanup the structure of the QML bindings to make it clearer. No Changes in functionality all features are still working & same,

This is an updated version of: https://code.launchpad.net/~abreu-alexandre/unity-webapps-qml/restructure-cleanup-bindings-qml-structure/+merge/208148 with the latest changes that got in in between Fixes: 1288801

115. By PS Jenkins bot

Releasing 0.1+14.10.20140506.1-0ubuntu1

114. By Alexandre Abreu

Add UA override capabilities to webapps; clean some code and tests, Fixes: 1245465

113. By Ricardo Salveti

releasing package unity-webapps-qml version 0.1+14.04.20140408-0ubuntu2

112. By PS Jenkins bot

Releasing 0.1+14.04.20140408-0ubuntu1

111. By Timo Jyrinki

Depend on liboxideqtcore0 to limit archs to be built to the set for which webapps-qml is installable for.

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