Merge lp://staging/~abreu-alexandre/unity-js-scopes/doc into lp://staging/unity-js-scopes

Proposed by Alexandre Abreu
Status: Superseded
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~abreu-alexandre/unity-js-scopes/doc
Merge into: lp://staging/unity-js-scopes
Diff against target: 17264 lines (+16667/-47)
74 files modified
CMakeLists.txt (+3/-1)
debian/control (+10/-0)
debian/copyright (+35/-0)
debian/unity-js-scopes-doc.install (+1/-0)
doc/CMakeLists.txt (+25/-0)
doc/docbuild/api.js (+35/-0)
doc/docbuild/assets/css/main.css (+783/-0)
doc/docbuild/assets/index.html (+10/-0)
doc/docbuild/assets/js/api-filter.js (+57/-0)
doc/docbuild/assets/js/api-list.js (+256/-0)
doc/docbuild/assets/js/api-search.js (+103/-0)
doc/docbuild/assets/js/apidocs.js (+375/-0)
doc/docbuild/assets/js/yui-prettify.js (+22/-0)
doc/docbuild/assets/vendor/prettify/CHANGES.html (+130/-0)
doc/docbuild/assets/vendor/prettify/COPYING (+202/-0)
doc/docbuild/assets/vendor/prettify/README.html (+203/-0)
doc/docbuild/assets/vendor/prettify/prettify-min.css (+1/-0)
doc/docbuild/assets/vendor/prettify/prettify-min.js (+6/-0)
doc/docbuild/classes/ActionMetadata.html (+365/-0)
doc/docbuild/classes/ActivationQuery.html (+479/-0)
doc/docbuild/classes/CategorisedResult.html (+1205/-0)
doc/docbuild/classes/Category.html (+343/-0)
doc/docbuild/classes/CategoryRenderer.html (+203/-0)
doc/docbuild/classes/ColumnLayout.html (+376/-0)
doc/docbuild/classes/PreviewQuery.html (+341/-0)
doc/docbuild/classes/PreviewReply.html (+363/-0)
doc/docbuild/classes/PreviewWidget.html (+637/-0)
doc/docbuild/classes/Result.html (+987/-0)
doc/docbuild/classes/Scope.html (+423/-0)
doc/docbuild/classes/SearchMetaData.html (+1130/-0)
doc/docbuild/classes/SearchQuery.html (+342/-0)
doc/docbuild/classes/SearchReply.html (+453/-0)
doc/docbuild/classes/index.html (+10/-0)
doc/docbuild/data.json (+1875/-0)
doc/docbuild/files/_home_alex_dev_work_webapps_branches_scopes_doc_src_bindings_index.js.html (+314/-0)
doc/docbuild/files/_home_alex_dev_work_webapps_branches_scopes_doc_src_bindings_src_action-metadata.js.html (+150/-0)
doc/docbuild/files/_home_alex_dev_work_webapps_branches_scopes_doc_src_bindings_src_activation-query.js.html (+174/-0)
doc/docbuild/files/_home_alex_dev_work_webapps_branches_scopes_doc_src_bindings_src_categorised-result.js.html (+286/-0)
doc/docbuild/files/_home_alex_dev_work_webapps_branches_scopes_doc_src_bindings_src_category-renderer.js.html (+134/-0)
doc/docbuild/files/_home_alex_dev_work_webapps_branches_scopes_doc_src_bindings_src_category.js.html (+156/-0)
doc/docbuild/files/_home_alex_dev_work_webapps_branches_scopes_doc_src_bindings_src_column-layout.js.html (+156/-0)
doc/docbuild/files/_home_alex_dev_work_webapps_branches_scopes_doc_src_bindings_src_preview-query.js.html (+189/-0)
doc/docbuild/files/_home_alex_dev_work_webapps_branches_scopes_doc_src_bindings_src_preview-reply.js.html (+154/-0)
doc/docbuild/files/_home_alex_dev_work_webapps_branches_scopes_doc_src_bindings_src_preview-widget.js.html (+191/-0)
doc/docbuild/files/_home_alex_dev_work_webapps_branches_scopes_doc_src_bindings_src_result.js.html (+241/-0)
doc/docbuild/files/_home_alex_dev_work_webapps_branches_scopes_doc_src_bindings_src_search-metadata.js.html (+266/-0)
doc/docbuild/files/_home_alex_dev_work_webapps_branches_scopes_doc_src_bindings_src_search-query.js.html (+192/-0)
doc/docbuild/files/_home_alex_dev_work_webapps_branches_scopes_doc_src_bindings_src_search-reply.js.html (+162/-0)
doc/docbuild/files/index.html (+10/-0)
doc/docbuild/index.html (+128/-0)
doc/docbuild/modules/ScopeJS.html (+230/-0)
doc/docbuild/modules/index.html (+10/-0)
doc/ (+143/-0)
doc/index.handlebars (+1/-0)
doc/yuidoc.json (+8/-0)
src/bindings/index.js (+88/-4)
src/bindings/src/ (+1/-1)
src/bindings/src/action-metadata.h (+46/-0)
src/bindings/src/activation-query.h (+78/-0)
src/bindings/src/ (+21/-17)
src/bindings/src/categorised-result.h (+219/-0)
src/bindings/src/category-renderer.h (+48/-0)
src/bindings/src/category.h (+73/-0)
src/bindings/src/column-layout.h (+77/-0)
src/bindings/src/preview-query.h (+93/-0)
src/bindings/src/preview-reply.h (+53/-0)
src/bindings/src/preview-widget.h (+99/-0)
src/bindings/src/result.h (+164/-0)
src/bindings/src/ (+2/-2)
src/bindings/src/ (+133/-14)
src/bindings/src/search-metadata.h (+224/-5)
src/bindings/src/ (+2/-2)
src/bindings/src/search-query.h (+99/-1)
src/bindings/src/search-reply.h (+63/-0)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~abreu-alexandre/unity-js-scopes/doc
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Marcus Tomlinson (community) Needs Fixing
PS Jenkins bot (community) continuous-integration Needs Fixing
Review via email:

Commit message

API Documentation

Description of the change

API Documentation

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Revision history for this message
PS Jenkins bot (ps-jenkins) wrote :
review: Needs Fixing (continuous-integration)
Revision history for this message
PS Jenkins bot (ps-jenkins) wrote :
review: Needs Fixing (continuous-integration)
86. By Marcus Tomlinson

Add department

Revision history for this message
PS Jenkins bot (ps-jenkins) wrote :
review: Needs Fixing (continuous-integration)
Revision history for this message
Marcus Tomlinson (marcustomlinson) wrote :

Sorry if I'm being captain obvious here, but the build is failing with:

Found 7 license problems:
doc/docbuild/assets/js/yui-prettify.js UNKNOWN {
doc/docbuild/assets/js/api-list.js UNKNOWN *No copyright*
doc/docbuild/assets/js/apidocs.js UNKNOWN *No copyright*
doc/docbuild/assets/js/api-search.js UNKNOWN *No copyright*
doc/docbuild/assets/js/api-filter.js UNKNOWN *No copyright*
doc/docbuild/assets/vendor/prettify/prettify-min.js UNKNOWN *No copyright*
doc/docbuild/api.js UNKNOWN *No copyright*

review: Needs Fixing
Revision history for this message
Marcus Tomlinson (marcustomlinson) wrote :

> Sorry if I'm being captain obvious here, but the build is failing with:
> Found 7 license problems:
> doc/docbuild/assets/js/yui-prettify.js UNKNOWN {
> doc/docbuild/assets/js/api-list.js UNKNOWN *No copyright*
> doc/docbuild/assets/js/apidocs.js UNKNOWN *No copyright*
> doc/docbuild/assets/js/api-search.js UNKNOWN *No copyright*
> doc/docbuild/assets/js/api-filter.js UNKNOWN *No copyright*
> doc/docbuild/assets/vendor/prettify/prettify-min.js UNKNOWN *No copyright*
> doc/docbuild/api.js UNKNOWN *No copyright*

Sorry, just looked at this again. When did this become a build requirement? Do you know if we can somehow bypass these checks?

review: Needs Information
Revision history for this message
Marcus Tomlinson (marcustomlinson) wrote :

Ok I've asked CI to remove this licence check hook from our builds.

So firstly, when I tried to build, you're script returned:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/marcustomlinson/Projects/work/unity-js-scopes/trunk/doc/", line 39, in <module>
    yui_install = subprocess.check_output(['which', 'yuidoc'])
  File "/usr/lib/python3.4/", line 620, in check_output
    raise CalledProcessError(retcode, process.args, output=output)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['which', 'yuidoc']' returned non-zero exit status 1

So seems the line "yui_install = subprocess.check_output(['which', 'yuidoc'])" doesn't quite do what you wanted.

Then I see a bit further down your error message tells you to install npm, nodejs-legacy, and yuidocjs manually. How is this going to be possible in CI?

I would strongly recommend we avoid redundantly installing npm and node on the system when we have it embedded into our own stuff. The unity-js-scopes-tool has npm smarts embedded into it. I think we can come up with a good way of pulling and running yuidocjs using just the tool.

FYI, don't know if you pick this up, but you can run a .js file by calling: "unity-js-scopes-tool program.js". Its a hack I had to do in order to get npm builds working as they needed access to the node executable.

review: Needs Fixing
Revision history for this message
David Barth (dbarth) wrote :

The doc generation target could be removed from the CI builds, and left
only as a manual step when releasing a package for publication on

On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 9:31 AM, Marcus Tomlinson <
<email address hidden>> wrote:

> Review: Needs Fixing
> Ok I've asked CI to remove this licence check hook from our builds.
> So firstly, when I tried to build, you're script returned:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File
> "/home/marcustomlinson/Projects/work/unity-js-scopes/trunk/doc/",
> line 39, in <module>
> yui_install = subprocess.check_output(['which', 'yuidoc'])
> File "/usr/lib/python3.4/", line 620, in check_output
> raise CalledProcessError(retcode, process.args, output=output)
> subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['which', 'yuidoc']' returned
> non-zero exit status 1
> So seems the line "yui_install = subprocess.check_output(['which',
> 'yuidoc'])" doesn't quite do what you wanted.
> Then I see a bit further down your error message tells you to install npm,
> nodejs-legacy, and yuidocjs manually. How is this going to be possible in
> CI?
> I would strongly recommend we avoid redundantly installing npm and node on
> the system when we have it embedded into our own stuff. The
> unity-js-scopes-tool has npm smarts embedded into it. I think we can come
> up with a good way of pulling and running yuidocjs using just the tool.
> FYI, don't know if you pick this up, but you can run a .js file by
> calling: "unity-js-scopes-tool program.js". Its a hack I had to do in order
> to get npm builds working as they needed access to the node executable.
> --
> Your team WebApps is subscribed to branch lp:unity-js-scopes.

Revision history for this message
Marcus Tomlinson (marcustomlinson) wrote :

> The doc generation target could be removed from the CI builds, and left
> only as a manual step when releasing a package for publication on

I think it is a requirement that our project builds a *-doc package for d.u.c to collect. Alex will have to confirm though.

Revision history for this message
Alexandre Abreu (abreu-alexandre) wrote :

The docs are statically (manually built) and then committed in the source package. I did it this way so that we dont have to be bothered w/ all those node deps obviously.

So it is an offline process basically,

Revision history for this message
Alexandre Abreu (abreu-alexandre) wrote :

And the -doc package is there, ... just pulls the statically built docs,

87. By Marcus Tomlinson

Add FilterState handling

Revision history for this message
Marcus Tomlinson (marcustomlinson) wrote :

K, I'm approving this MP on condition that Jenkins also approves the remaining copyright issues.

review: Approve
Revision history for this message
PS Jenkins bot (ps-jenkins) wrote :
review: Needs Fixing (continuous-integration)
Revision history for this message
Marcus Tomlinson (marcustomlinson) wrote :

> FAILED: Continuous integration, rev:93
> Executed test runs:
> amd64-ci/22/console
> ci/22/console
> wily-i386-ci/22/console
> Click here to trigger a rebuild:
> http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/unity-js-scopes-ci/22/rebuild


Revision history for this message
Marcus Tomlinson (marcustomlinson) wrote :

Possibly the easiest way to fix this would be to put those files into a directory called 3rd_party, then they would be automatically ignored by the check.

review: Needs Fixing
Revision history for this message
Marcus Tomlinson (marcustomlinson) wrote :

Oops changed my review status by mistake, setting back to Approved.

review: Approve
Revision history for this message
Marcus Tomlinson (marcustomlinson) wrote :

Ah, sorry man, gotta set this back to "Needs Fixing". Something you've changed in this branch has caused our examples to error out with this now:

                    return new scopes.lib.search_query(

Error: expected an exported object
    at Error (native)
    at (/home/marcustomlinson/build-untitled1-Desktop-Default/src/untitled1.marcustomlinson_untitled1.js:55:28)

I reverted this branch's changes from my tool-setup branch, and things start working again.

review: Needs Fixing
Revision history for this message
Alexandre Abreu (abreu-alexandre) wrote :

updated for the searchmetadata bit

Revision history for this message
Marcus Tomlinson (marcustomlinson) wrote :

Great thanks! Now just for those copyright errors.

review: Approve
Revision history for this message
PS Jenkins bot (ps-jenkins) wrote :
review: Needs Fixing (continuous-integration)
88. By Alexandre Abreu

merge trunk

Revision history for this message
Marcus Tomlinson (marcustomlinson) wrote :

Damn, there are SearchMetadata and SearchMetaData mismatches now.

review: Needs Fixing
89. By Alexandre Abreu

Fix searchdata error

Revision history for this message
Marcus Tomlinson (marcustomlinson) wrote :

Could you rather rename "SearchMetaData" to "SearchMetadata" to match the original.

One main issue I'm seeing with these docs now is the mismatch in class names from docs to actual. I.e. The docs refer to class names in "ClassName" format, whereas the actual API has class names formatted as "class_name".

review: Needs Fixing
90. By Alexandre Abreu

Fix SearchMetadata name to match api one

Revision history for this message
Alexandre Abreu (abreu-alexandre) wrote :

> Could you rather rename "SearchMetaData" to "SearchMetadata" to match the
> original.

agree, done

> One main issue I'm seeing with these docs now is the mismatch in class names
> from docs to actual. I.e. The docs refer to class names in "ClassName" format,
> whereas the actual API has class names formatted as "class_name".

yes, agree too, I did push this off as a TODO in my list, ... mind if I make it
part of a more global MR tomorrow ?

91. By Alexandre Abreu

try fix for bad license tag in debian copyright

92. By Alexandre Abreu

merge trunk

93. By Alexandre Abreu

tweaks copyright headers

94. By Alexandre Abreu

tweak license string

95. By Alexandre Abreu

fix copyright file

96. By Alexandre Abreu

tweak license

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