
Created by Alexandre Abreu and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~abreu-alexandre/ubuntu-html5-theme/remove-dpkg-dev-dep
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Branch merges

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Branch information

Alexandre Abreu

Recent revisions

171. By Alexandre Abreu

remove unecessary dpkg-dev dep

170. By PS Jenkins bot

Releasing 0.1.2+14.10.20140731-0ubuntu1

169. By Adnane Belmadiaf

Switched to expanded mode to prevent merge conflicts
Approved by: Alexandre Abreu

168. By Ricardo Salveti

releasing package ubuntu-html5-theme version 0.1.2+14.04.20140404-0ubuntu2

167. By PS Jenkins bot

Releasing 0.1.2+14.04.20140404-0ubuntu1

166. By Alexandre Abreu

Fix issues with the toolbar buttons:
- make sure that we dont preventDefault() in all cases (even when the user tries to click()),
- make sure that the user's intent seems like hiding/showing before doing so,
 Fixes: 1222874, 1296469, 1302284

165. By David Barth

This branch aggregates 3 branches to help resolve SASS/CSS conflicts on the same file:
- merge of fix.1286362
- merge of typography-update
- merge of the fix.gallery-dialog branch

164. By Adnane Belmadiaf

Adjust the content when the keyboard appears Fixes: 1296463

163. By Kyle Nitzsche

1) Fix lp bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-html5-theme/+bug/1241029

2) Improve doc building as follows:
  * add build script for docs: yuidoc-build.sh.(same as in unity-webapps-qml)
  * add docslib.py, used by yuidoc-build.sh to obtain bzr branch rev and
    insert it into yuidoc.json for use during build
  * add DOCSREADMET.txt: critical info about building docs
  * yuidoc.json: add majorversion field and set it to current framework: html-14.04-dev.
    The bzr branch rev is appended to this to create useful version field, which is consumed by yuidoc build and
    inserted into built html.

   As a result, the built index.html states the framework and the branch bzr rev as follows:
   "API Docs for: HTML-14.04-dev~bzr155" Fixes: 1287826

162. By Adnane Belmadiaf

Fixed toolbar declaration Fixes: 1286833

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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