Merge lp://staging/~abentley/charms/precise/juju-reports/major-updates into lp://staging/~juju-qa/charms/precise/juju-reports/trunk
Status: | Merged |
Merged at revision: | 25 |
Proposed branch: | lp://staging/~abentley/charms/precise/juju-reports/major-updates |
Merge into: | lp://staging/~juju-qa/charms/precise/juju-reports/trunk |
Diff against target: |
351 lines (+158/-93) 9 files modified
config.yaml (+4/-0) hooks/ (+142/-11) hooks/config-changed (+2/-63) hooks/database-relation-broken (+2/-2) hooks/database-relation-changed (+2/-5) hooks/database-relation-departed (+2/-2) hooks/install (+1/-9) hooks/start (+3/-0) hooks/upgrade-charm (+0/-1) |
To merge this branch: | bzr merge lp://staging/~abentley/charms/precise/juju-reports/major-updates |
Related bugs: |
Reviewer | Review Type | Date Requested | Status |
Curtis Hovey (community) | code | Approve | |
Review via email: |
Commit message
Major updates to charm.
Description of the change
Major updates to charm.
1. all code is common code. Anything that runs python does
2. 'dist-clean' is introduced so that devs can turn of automatic "make dist-clean" and update much faster.
3. open-port and close-port are done as part of config now, not database-
4. open / close port use the configured ports.
5. almost all use of in_juju_reports is removed.
6. restart is removed in favour of stop (before updating source) and start (after updating source).
7. LP key is written in update_source, not install hook.
8. port is closed when the service cannot operate.
9. Launchpad user is juju-qa-bot
10. start hook fails gracefully.
11. config is parsed as yaml instead of being looked up one-by-one. This also preserves value types.
12. use os.unlink instead of subprocess.
13. stop early if mongodb url is not known.
In update_source() you use a try/except block...I expected a context manger. The lines aren't wrong, I just expect context managers for resources in code that YOU write.
In that same function, I see we login as the bot. This has bothered me for some time. We don't logout. Should we? Am I paranoid. I ask because I am pondering a jenkin-juju-ci subordinate charm and I feel safer if the charm can login to get private branches, but logs out when done. The user is not left with powers that have no legitimate need.
In install_cronjob() file() is used. The function is deprecated. Does this work? '/etc/cron. d/ubuntu' , 'w').write(str(t))