Merge lp://staging/~a1s/bzr-externals/breezy into lp://staging/bzr-externals

Proposed by Aleksandr Smyshliaev
Status: Needs review
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~a1s/bzr-externals/breezy
Merge into: lp://staging/bzr-externals
Diff against target: 660 lines (+282/-279)
4 files modified (+9/-9) (+16/-18) (+254/-249) (+3/-3)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~a1s/bzr-externals/breezy
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Eugene Tarasenko Pending
Review via email:

Commit message

Update for Breezy and Python3

Description of the change

- Change imports from bzrlib to breezy
- Use Python3 text file operations to read and write bzrmeta files
- Fix reading externals configuration from an InventoryTree
- Use command "brz ignore" instead of writing to IGNORE_FILENAME (Breezy doesn't export IGNORE_FILENAME)

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Unmerged revisions

59. By Aleksandr Smyshliaev

Fix adding external working tree to the ignore list

58. By Aleksandr Smyshliaev

Fix reading externals config from a revision tree: the argument for get_file_text() must be a path, not file id

57. By Aleksandr Smyshliaev

Normalize line endings

56. By Aleksandr Smyshliaev

fix import paths in the commands module

55. By Aleksandr Smyshliaev

use Python3 text mode for file operations

54. By Aleksandr Smyshliaev

Change imports from bzrlib to breezy

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