Merge ~3v1n0/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-settings:master into ~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-settings:master

Proposed by Marco Trevisan (Treviño)
Status: Merged
Approved by: Sebastien Bacher
Approved revision: a0b497ad164e346b5aacfa338c45e37e181a14bf
Merged at revision: a0b497ad164e346b5aacfa338c45e37e181a14bf
Proposed branch: ~3v1n0/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-settings:master
Merge into: ~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-settings:master
Diff against target: 62 lines (+15/-4)
5 files modified
debian/changelog (+8/-0)
debian/ubuntu-settings.gsettings-override (+5/-0)
debian/ubuntu-settings.install (+1/-1)
dev/null (+0/-1) (+1/-2)
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Sebastien Bacher Approve
Review via email:

Description of the change

Reverted meson workaround, as it's fixed in (please publish it)

Using Yaru and other ubuntu-theming settings in GDM by default.
The way we do is not ideal though as we override GNOME-Greeter mode, although I've already discussed with upstream (see below) a way to have us to be able to define in a file the session name so that it will be Ubuntu-Greeter:ubuntu even for pure gdm session, so we could then just change settings there and use a an alternative for those who want to use a vanilla gnome's GDM.


19:28:50 <halfline> hmm this might actually not be as invasive as i feared..skimming a bit, i think it's basically just changing the gdm_session_select_program call to gdm_session_select_session and installing the xsession files
19:29:26 <halfline> i mean then there's a whole bunch of if (self->priv->selected_program != NULL) code that doesn't get run anymore and can get deleted i suppose
19:30:46 <halfline> but yea it might actually just be 1) merge that merge request 2) install the xsession/wayland-session files 3) change selcet_program to select_session 4) change create_gnome_session_environment to take a session name instead of build a session command by hand
19:31:16 <halfline> i would try it right now but i'm busy hacking away in a VM on something else

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Sebastien Bacher (seb128) wrote :


review: Approve

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