Branches for Vivid

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/ubuntu/vivid/gtk-theme-config 2 Mature 2014-10-26 20:15:43 UTC
3. * New upstream bugfix and translation...

Author: Sean Davis
Revision Date: 2014-09-07 07:55:48 UTC

* New upstream bugfix and translations release
  - Fixes sound-indicator theme config (lp: #1313011)
* debian/control:
  - Add libnotify-dev and intltool to BuildDepends
  - Update Homepage to Launchpad
* debian/rules:
  - Fix building with translations.
* debian/patches/include-system-flags.patch:
  - Dropped, included upstream.
* debian/patches/01_desktop_locales.patch:
  - Make desktop file translatable
* debian/patches/02_makefile_fixes.patch:
  - Added to make build successful with Debian packaging.

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