Branches for Vivid

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/ubuntu/vivid/asis 2 Mature 2014-10-27 19:11:10 UTC
19. * debian/patches/report_unexpected_gn...

Author: Ludovic Brenta
Revision Date: 2014-10-21 01:13:57 UTC

* debian/patches/report_unexpected_gnat_version.diff: delete; caused
  ASIS to report a "wrong" version of GNAT if Gnatvsn.Gnat_Version_String
  returned a string lacking a "(" in it.
* debian/patches/weak_version_check.diff: new. Do not check the version
  string of the compiler embedded in the tree files against
  Gnatvsn.Gnat_Version_String. Checking only the tree version number
  (Tree_IO.ASIS_Version_Number, in libgnatvsn) is sufficient.
  Closes: #765467.

lp://staging/ubuntu/vivid-proposed/asis 1 Development 2014-10-29 07:31:09 UTC
19. * debian/patches/report_unexpected_gn...

Author: Ludovic Brenta
Revision Date: 2014-10-21 01:13:57 UTC

* debian/patches/report_unexpected_gnat_version.diff: delete; caused
  ASIS to report a "wrong" version of GNAT if Gnatvsn.Gnat_Version_String
  returned a string lacking a "(" in it.
* debian/patches/weak_version_check.diff: new. Do not check the version
  string of the compiler embedded in the tree files against
  Gnatvsn.Gnat_Version_String. Checking only the tree version number
  (Tree_IO.ASIS_Version_Number, in libgnatvsn) is sufficient.
  Closes: #765467.

12 of 2 results