Branches for Utopic

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/ubuntu/utopic/policykit-1-gnome 2 Mature 2014-05-13 06:53:38 UTC
30. * Merge from Debian unstable. Remain...

Author: Michael Vogt
Revision Date: 2014-05-13 08:07:21 UTC

* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
  - 04-autorestart.patch: Add gnome session restart support to ensure we
    always have an authentication agent running. To be forwarded upstream.
  - 06-authentication-failure-string.patch: Improve error message displayed
    when authentication fails.
  - 07-use-accountsservice.patch: get user icon from
    accountsservice instead of looking in ~/.face. (LP: #928249)
  - debian/patches/08-fresh-x11-timestamps.patch: use fresh X11 timestamps
    when displaying authentication dialog to circumvent focus-stealing
    prevention. (LP: #946171)
  - Tell the .desktop file for the authentication agent to auto-restart the
    agent in case of failure.
  - add dh --with translations

lp://staging/ubuntu/utopic-proposed/policykit-1-gnome bug 1 Development 2014-05-13 06:53:38 UTC
30. * Merge from Debian unstable. Remain...

Author: Michael Vogt
Revision Date: 2014-05-13 08:07:21 UTC

* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
  - 04-autorestart.patch: Add gnome session restart support to ensure we
    always have an authentication agent running. To be forwarded upstream.
  - 06-authentication-failure-string.patch: Improve error message displayed
    when authentication fails.
  - 07-use-accountsservice.patch: get user icon from
    accountsservice instead of looking in ~/.face. (LP: #928249)
  - debian/patches/08-fresh-x11-timestamps.patch: use fresh X11 timestamps
    when displaying authentication dialog to circumvent focus-stealing
    prevention. (LP: #946171)
  - Tell the .desktop file for the authentication agent to auto-restart the
    agent in case of failure.
  - add dh --with translations

12 of 2 results