Branches for Utopic

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/ubuntu/utopic/libotr 2 Mature 2014-04-25 22:58:28 UTC
17. * Put the package under the umbrella ...

Author: intrigeri
Revision Date: 2014-02-18 21:51:28 UTC

* Put the package under the umbrella of the Debian OTR Team.
  Huge thanks to Thibaut VARENE <> for having maintained
  this package for many years!
* Add Micah and myself as human uploaders.
* Migrate back to source format 1.0. Accordingly integrate
  debian/patches/message_fragment_fix.patch in the tree:
  cherry-pick upstream commit d748757e.
* Convert debian/copyright to machine-readable copyright format 1.0,
  update it.
* Cleanup debian/control with cme, including:
  drop versioned dependencies satisfied in oldstable (Squeeze).
* Declare compatibility with standards version 3.9.5.
* Slightly improve long package descriptions, make it gender-neutral.
* Update Homepage control field.
* Convert to debhelper 8 with tiny rules file and dh-autoreconf.
* Create copyright symlinks with dh_link instead of the real links,
  that are not supported with source format 1.0.
* Override direct-changes-in-diff-but-no-patch-system Lintian warning:
  our team uses source format 1.0; the detail of patches can be found
  in Git and debian/changelog.
* Enable all hardening flags.
* Add Vcs-* control fields.
* Update debian/watch to use the new HTTPS homepage.
* Add README.source.

lp://staging/ubuntu/utopic-proposed/libotr 1 Development 2014-04-28 20:10:50 UTC
13. * Put the package under the umbrella ...

Author: intrigeri
Revision Date: 2014-02-18 21:51:28 UTC

* Put the package under the umbrella of the Debian OTR Team.
  Huge thanks to Thibaut VARENE <> for having maintained
  this package for many years!
* Add Micah and myself as human uploaders.
* Migrate back to source format 1.0. Accordingly integrate
  debian/patches/message_fragment_fix.patch in the tree:
  cherry-pick upstream commit d748757e.
* Convert debian/copyright to machine-readable copyright format 1.0,
  update it.
* Cleanup debian/control with cme, including:
  drop versioned dependencies satisfied in oldstable (Squeeze).
* Declare compatibility with standards version 3.9.5.
* Slightly improve long package descriptions, make it gender-neutral.
* Update Homepage control field.
* Convert to debhelper 8 with tiny rules file and dh-autoreconf.
* Create copyright symlinks with dh_link instead of the real links,
  that are not supported with source format 1.0.
* Override direct-changes-in-diff-but-no-patch-system Lintian warning:
  our team uses source format 1.0; the detail of patches can be found
  in Git and debian/changelog.
* Enable all hardening flags.
* Add Vcs-* control fields.
* Update debian/watch to use the new HTTPS homepage.
* Add README.source.

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