Branches for Utopic

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/ubuntu/utopic-proposed/iwatch 2 Mature 2014-07-30 11:19:22 UTC
7. * New maintainer. Thanks a lot to Mic...

Author: Joao Eriberto Mota Filho
Revision Date: 2014-06-14 10:40:31 UTC

* New maintainer. Thanks a lot to Michael Prokop, the initial maintainer,
  for your nice work over this package. (Closes: #728287)
* Migrations:
    - debian format from 1.0 to 3.0.
    - debian/copyright to new format (1.0).
    - debian/rules: to new (reduced) format.
    - debhelper version from 5 to 9.
    - Standards-Version from 3.9.3 to 3.9.5.
* debian/control:
    - Added sendxmpp and yowsup-cli to Suggests field.
    - Improved the long description.
    - Removed the useless variable ${shlibs:Depends} from Depends field.
    - Updated the Vcs-* fields.
* debian/docs: removed. All relevant information was added to the new
* debian/examples: added to make available an upstream file
* debian/gbp.conf: added to allow git-buildpackage usage.
* debian/initscript:
    - Added a LSB Description field.
    - Fixed some issues.
    - Renamed to init.
    - Updated the reload and force-reload options.
* debian/install: created to install some files.
* debian/iwatch.default: renamed to default.
* debian/iwatch.1: moved to debian/man/ and renamed to iwatch.1.old.
* debian/iwatch.xml: removed because the original upstream file was fixed
  by patch.
* debian/man/: created to gather the files of the new manpage.
* debian/manpages: created to install the new manpage.
* debian/NEWS: removed because this file is useless nowadays.
* debian/patches/iwatch.xml: added to make iwatch.xml upstream file
  compliant with Debian.
* debian/{pre,post}{inst,rm}: removed because the DH9 creates
  these files automatically when handling init scripts.
* debian/watch: improved.

lp://staging/ubuntu/utopic/iwatch 1 Development 2014-06-14 10:40:31 UTC
7. * New maintainer. Thanks a lot to Mic...

Author: Joao Eriberto Mota Filho
Revision Date: 2014-06-14 10:40:31 UTC

* New maintainer. Thanks a lot to Michael Prokop, the initial maintainer,
  for your nice work over this package. (Closes: #728287)
* Migrations:
    - debian format from 1.0 to 3.0.
    - debian/copyright to new format (1.0).
    - debian/rules: to new (reduced) format.
    - debhelper version from 5 to 9.
    - Standards-Version from 3.9.3 to 3.9.5.
* debian/control:
    - Added sendxmpp and yowsup-cli to Suggests field.
    - Improved the long description.
    - Removed the useless variable ${shlibs:Depends} from Depends field.
    - Updated the Vcs-* fields.
* debian/docs: removed. All relevant information was added to the new
* debian/examples: added to make available an upstream file
* debian/gbp.conf: added to allow git-buildpackage usage.
* debian/initscript:
    - Added a LSB Description field.
    - Fixed some issues.
    - Renamed to init.
    - Updated the reload and force-reload options.
* debian/install: created to install some files.
* debian/iwatch.default: renamed to default.
* debian/iwatch.1: moved to debian/man/ and renamed to iwatch.1.old.
* debian/iwatch.xml: removed because the original upstream file was fixed
  by patch.
* debian/man/: created to gather the files of the new manpage.
* debian/manpages: created to install the new manpage.
* debian/NEWS: removed because this file is useless nowadays.
* debian/patches/iwatch.xml: added to make iwatch.xml upstream file
  compliant with Debian.
* debian/{pre,post}{inst,rm}: removed because the DH9 creates
  these files automatically when handling init scripts.
* debian/watch: improved.

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