Branches for Trusty

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/ubuntu/trusty/scowl 2 Mature 2013-10-20 18:30:49 UTC
6. * New upstream release - Move diein...

Author: Don Armstrong
Revision Date: 2011-10-12 14:44:02 UTC

* New upstream release
  - Move dieing to english-words.80 (Closes: #515896)
  - Modularises is in english-words.80 (Closes: #634824)
* Remove uniprocessorunix, thanks to Dean Menezes (Closes: #530456)
* afterward and afterwards are both perfectly legitimate english words;
  add them to english-words.10 (Closes: #564032)
* Add unices, unixen to hacker list; add unixes to english-words.95,
  thanks to Dean Menezes (Closes: #530457)
* Add analyses (plural of analysis) (Closes: #570718). Thanks to Benoit
* Deprecate irregardless slightly (Closes: #584076)
* Stick prepend into american words even though it is computer
  jargon (Closes: #402055)

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