Branches for Trusty

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/ubuntu/trusty/qt4-x11 2 Mature 2013-10-19 08:40:31 UTC
201. * Merge from Debian unstable, remaini...

Author: Felix Geyer
Revision Date: 2012-09-12 11:32:36 UTC

* Merge from Debian unstable, remaining changes:
  - Do not package ibase/firebird and sqlite2 package
    + remove from debian/control
    + libqt4-sql doesn't recommend libqt4-sql-ibase and libqt4-sql-sqlite2
  - libqt4-dbus recommends instead of depends on qdbus
  - build with -no-phonon
  - Do not build libqt4-phonon, disable in debian/control
  - Add
  - Rules to create link to and rules to create po
    dir and execute in override_dh_auto_install
  - Add and install Trolltech.conf in libqtcore4.install
  - Build QtWebkit and use it only for QtAssistant
    + Rule to put qt_webkit_version.pri in mkspecs/modules
    + Rule to remove libQtWebKit* after build
    + Exclude usr/bin/assistant-qt4 from dh_shlibdeps
* Fixes crash in Qt Assistant during startup. (LP: #1045755)
* Update symbols files.

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