Branches for Quantal

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/ubuntu/quantal/uwsgi 2 Mature 2012-09-13 19:37:31 UTC
16. * debian/patches/remove-pg_config_cfl...

Author: Janos Guljas
Revision Date: 2012-09-13 19:37:31 UTC

* debian/patches/remove-pg_config_cflags-in-probepg.patch
  - Remove pg_config --cflags from probepg build. (Closes: #687084)
* Apply upstream patches:
  - fixed-magic_table-usage-in-http-and-fastrouter-plugins.patch
      Fixed magic_table usage in http and fastrouter plugins.
  - security-check-in-the-http-router.patch
      Added a security check in the http router.
  - threading-issue-with-uwsgi-send.patch
      Fixed a threading issue with uwsgi.send().
  - fixed-ruby-rvm-support.patch
      Fixed Ruby RVM support.
  - fixed-spooler-with-chdir.patch
      Fixed spooler with chdir.
  - fixed-async+threading.patch
      Fixed async+threading in python plugin.
  - skip-headers-sending-when-no-headers-are-defined.patch
      Skip headers sending when no headers are defined.
  - fixed-logfile-inheritance.patch
      Fixed logfile inheritance.
  - fixed-waitpid-usage-in-cheap-cheaper-lazy-modes.patch
      Fixed waitpid usage in cheap/cheaper/lazy modes.
  - fixed-casting-in-wsgi-input.patch
      Fixed casting in uwsgi.input.
  - fixed-casting-in-wsgi-input-web3-pump-part.patch
      More fixes on casting in uwsgi.input.
  - fixed-env-clear-in-plain-async-mode.patch
      Fixed env clear in plain async mode.
  - allows-ugreen-with-threads.patch
      Allows ugreen with threads.
  - fix-mod_uwsgi-authenticated-but-authentication-typeless-requests.patch
      Fix mod_uwsgi authenticated, but authentication typeless requests.
  - fixed-fastcgi-support-for-response-bigger-than-64k.patch
      Fixed fastcgi support for response bigger than 64k.
  - disable-SIGSTOP-SIGTSTP-in-gateways.patch
      Disable SIGSTOP/SIGTSTP in gateways.
  - fixed-idle-mode.patch
      Fixed idle mode.

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