Branches for Quantal

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/ubuntu/quantal/nautilus-pastebin 2 Mature 2012-04-26 18:58:56 UTC
8. * New upstream release: - Changes i...

Author: Alessio Treglia
Revision Date: 2012-02-01 20:48:14 UTC

* New upstream release:
  - Changes in nautilus-pastebin 0.7.1:
    + Regression fix: the configuration didn't reflect changes to
      'author', 'username' and 'password'.
    + Remove "askconfirmation" feature, needs more work.
    + Fix libnotify integration.
  - Changes in nautilus-pastebin 0.7.0:
    + Port to GObject Introspection. (Closes: #644692)
    + Migrate from GConf to GSettings.
    + Port configurator's UI from libglade to GtkBuilder.
    + Now depends on pastebinit at runtime;
    + Fix Debian bug#570131, desktop file missed the "Exec" key.
* Refresh 01-default_pastebin.diff.
* Drop 02-desktop_file.patch, applied upstream.
* Drop python-pastebin, not provided anymore.
* Drop python-support, build with dh_python2.
* Refresh Depends,Recommends to reflect pytgtk->gobject-introspection
* Update debian/copyright.
* Bump Standards.

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