Branches for Quantal

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/ubuntu/quantal/cryptsetup bug 2 Mature 2012-08-21 16:14:53 UTC
90. * Merge from debian unstable (LP: #10...

Author: Dimitri John Ledkov
Revision Date: 2012-08-21 11:57:28 UTC

* Merge from debian unstable (LP: #1015753), remaining changes:
  - debian/control:
    + Bump initramfs-tools Suggests to Depends: so system is not
      potentially rendered unbootable.
    + Depend on plymouth.

  - init/upstart jobs:
    + Add debian/cryptdisks-{enable,udev}.upstart for bootup.
    + debian/cryptdisks{,-early}.init: Make the 'start' action of the init
      script a no-op, this should be handled entirely by the upstart job;
     and fix the LSB header to not declare this should be started in
     runlevel 'S'.
    + Do not install start symlinks for init scripts
    + NB! shutdown is still handled by the SystemV init scripts

* Rename cryptddisks{,-early}.upstart jobs back to
  cryptdisks-{enable,udev}.upstart, as we need both init & upstart jobs
  for now.

* Dropped Changes, included in Debian:
  - debian/control:
    + Split up package in cryptsetup and cryptsetup-bin. (LP: #343363).

  - debian/cryptdisks.functions:
    + Do not overwrite existing filesystems when creating swap (LP: #474258).
    + Add aesni module when we have hardware encryption.
    + Call 'udevadm settle' before 'dmsetup rename'
    + Suppress "Starting init crypto disks" message in "init" phase, to
      avoid writing over fsck progress text.
    + new function, crypttab_start_one_disk, to look for the named source
      device in /etc/crypttab (by device name, UUID, or label) and start it
      if configured to do so
    + handle the case where crypttab contains a name for the source
      device that is not the kernel's preferred name for it (as is the case
      for LVs).

  - debian/initramfs/cryptroot-hook:
    + Quiet warnings from find on arches that don't have all the
      kernel/{arch,crypto} bits we're testing for.

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