Branches for Precise

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/ubuntu/precise/upower bug 2 Mature 2012-04-13 17:43:26 UTC
30. Upload current Debian packaging git h...

Author: Martin Pitt
Revision Date: 2012-04-13 14:39:59 UTC

Upload current Debian packaging git head.

Add 00git_update_dock_after_suspend.patch: Re-coldplug dock status when
resuming from sleep. Patch by Evan Broder, thanks! Also committed
upstream. (LP: #980746)

lp://staging/ubuntu/precise-proposed/upower bug 2 Mature 2013-10-21 23:35:28 UTC
31. * debian/patches/02-try-to-work-out-i...

Author: Shih-Yuan Lee
Revision Date: 2013-10-08 16:02:55 UTC

* debian/patches/02-try-to-work-out-if-the-device-is-powering-the-
  system.patch: Try to work out if the device is powering the system.
  (LP: #1153488)
* debian/patches/03-detect-bluetooth-keyboard-mouse.patch: Detect Bluetooth
  keyboard and mouse. (LP: #1153488)
* debian/patches/04-allow-valid-UTF-8-encoded-string.patch: Allow valid
  UTF-8 encoded string. (LP: #1237329)
* debian/patches/05-set-locale-in-daemon-and-tool.patch: Set locale in
  daemon and tool. (LP: #1237329)

lp://staging/ubuntu/precise-updates/upower 2 Mature 2013-10-28 16:03:10 UTC
31. * debian/patches/02-try-to-work-out-i...

Author: Shih-Yuan Lee
Revision Date: 2013-10-08 16:02:55 UTC

* debian/patches/02-try-to-work-out-if-the-device-is-powering-the-
  system.patch: Try to work out if the device is powering the system.
  (LP: #1153488)
* debian/patches/03-detect-bluetooth-keyboard-mouse.patch: Detect Bluetooth
  keyboard and mouse. (LP: #1153488)
* debian/patches/04-allow-valid-UTF-8-encoded-string.patch: Allow valid
  UTF-8 encoded string. (LP: #1237329)
* debian/patches/05-set-locale-in-daemon-and-tool.patch: Set locale in
  daemon and tool. (LP: #1237329)

13 of 3 results