Branches for Precise

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/ubuntu/precise/soundconverter 2 Mature 2011-11-26 12:14:13 UTC
29. * New upstream version. This should f...

Author: to be removed
Revision Date: 2011-11-26 12:14:13 UTC

* New upstream version. This should fix the following bugs in Debian:
  - soundconverter stops converting m4a files sudently.. (Closes: #468846)
  - should depend on package gstreamer0.10-lame (Closes: #571521)
  - please support gnome audio profiles (Closes: #500239)
  - please package new version (Closes: #606764)
* New Debian package maintainer. Thanks, Jason Heeris, for the previous
* Removed debian/patches: the only patch is no longer required.
* Removed debian/watch: it didn't work after upstream moved from
  Berlios, and I can't be bothered. (I would prefer watch files
  to be maintained in a central location, and not require packaging
  updates when upstream moves.)
* Packaging re-done to use dh.

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