Branches for Precise

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/ubuntu/precise/ipython 2 Mature 2012-04-22 16:26:59 UTC
16. * New upstream release (Closes: #6554...

Author: Julian Taylor
Revision Date: 2012-04-22 16:26:59 UTC

* New upstream release (Closes: #655413, #663256)
  Repackaged to remove minified javascript files from source.
* add get-orig-source target to rules
* ipython-notebook: depend on libjs-mathjax instead of recommending.
  mathjax can't be securely served from cloudfront.
* debian/rules: delete build directory in clean
* remove transitional ipython-parallel package
* set HOME to build folder for doc build and tests (Closes: #665224)
* move all examples to ipython-doc
* move python-argparse to suggests (Closes: #653650)
* update standard version to 3.9.3, no changes needed
* override lintian desktop-command-not-in-package
* remove python-pymongo build dep, tests skipped without running mongod

lp://staging/ubuntu/precise-backports/ipython bug 2 Mature 2014-07-19 19:13:42 UTC
17. * SECURITY UPDATE: remote execution v...

Author: Julian Taylor
Revision Date: 2014-07-19 14:05:50 UTC

* SECURITY UPDATE: remote execution via cross origin websocket if one has
  knowledge of the kernel id (LP: #1344854)
  - debian/patches/CVE-2014-3429.patch: check origin of connections
  - CVE-2014-3429

lp://staging/ubuntu/precise-security/ipython bug 2 Mature 2014-07-28 19:05:17 UTC
17. * SECURITY UPDATE: remote execution v...

Author: Julian Taylor
Revision Date: 2014-07-19 14:05:50 UTC

* SECURITY UPDATE: remote execution via cross origin websocket if one has
  knowledge of the kernel id (LP: #1344854)
  - debian/patches/CVE-2014-3429.patch: check origin of connections
  - CVE-2014-3429

lp://staging/ubuntu/precise-updates/ipython 2 Mature 2014-07-28 19:43:53 UTC
17. * SECURITY UPDATE: remote execution v...

Author: Julian Taylor
Revision Date: 2014-07-19 14:05:50 UTC

* SECURITY UPDATE: remote execution via cross origin websocket if one has
  knowledge of the kernel id (LP: #1344854)
  - debian/patches/CVE-2014-3429.patch: check origin of connections
  - CVE-2014-3429

14 of 4 results