Branches for Oneiric

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/ubuntu/oneiric/dahdi-tools bug 2 Mature 2011-05-08 12:48:19 UTC
7. * Merge from Debian. Remaining change...

Author: Stefan Lesicnik
Revision Date: 2011-05-08 12:22:46 UTC

* Merge from Debian. Remaining changes:
  - Bug Fix: If linux-headers are not installed, don't block, and print
    information for the user.
  - added debian/dahdi.postinst
  - added --error-handler=init_failed to debian/rules
  - Changes from Debian:
    - debian/control: Change Maintainer
    - debian/control: Removed Uploaders field.
    - debian/control: Removed Debian Vcs-Svn entry and replaced with
      ubuntu-voip Vcs-Bzr, to reflect divergence in packages.
    - debian/control: Package dahdi Depends on dahdi-dkms | dahdi-source
* debian/control: Added gawk as dependency for dkms build (LP: #493304)
* New upstream release (Closes: #581076, #582094).
* Patches hardware_rescan, perl_fix_noserial, perl_fix_transportdir,
  astribank_allow_ignoreend, init_unload_modules and wcb4xxp_extra_trunk
  dropped: merged upstream.
* dahdi-linux 2.3.0 is required (extra config options for dahdi_cfg).
* Convert to dpkg v.3 format.
* Standards version: (No change needed.

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