Branches for Oneiric

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/ubuntu/oneiric/coin3 2 Mature 2011-04-28 14:34:32 UTC
6. * control: Remove dependencies on lib...

Author: Steve M. Robbins
Revision Date: 2011-04-22 23:18:15 UTC

* control: Remove dependencies on libxp-dev, which is to be obsoleted.
  Closes: #623647.

* control: Move to Debian-science repository, set Maintainer, Uploaders,
  and Vcs fields.

* rules: rewrite using dh.
* control: Remove build-dep on cdbs, quilt; add autotools-dev.
  Set debhelper version to >= 8. Update Standards-Version.
* compat: New. Set to 8.

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