Branches for Lucid

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/ubuntu/lucid-security/likewise-open bug 2 Mature 2011-06-28 13:56:03 UTC
18. * SECURITY UPDATE: local access restr...

Author: Scott Salley
Revision Date: 2011-06-28 13:56:03 UTC

* SECURITY UPDATE: local access restrictions bypass via SQL injection
  - debian/patches/lp-security-CVE-2011-2467.diff: Construct SQL
    queries using safe methods.
  - CVE-2011-2467
* debian/rules: ensure autotool files were regenerated

lp://staging/ubuntu/lucid-updates/likewise-open 2 Mature 2011-06-28 13:56:03 UTC
18. * SECURITY UPDATE: local access restr...

Author: Scott Salley
Revision Date: 2011-06-28 13:56:03 UTC

* SECURITY UPDATE: local access restrictions bypass via SQL injection
  - debian/patches/lp-security-CVE-2011-2467.diff: Construct SQL
    queries using safe methods.
  - CVE-2011-2467
* debian/rules: ensure autotool files were regenerated

lp://staging/~ssalley/ubuntu/lucid/likewise-open/likewise-open.fix627272 bug(Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2010-12-01 21:19:28 UTC
18. * patches/ignore_group_update_failure...

Author: Scott Salley
Revision Date: 2010-12-01 21:08:31 UTC

* patches/ignore_group_update_failure_on_leave.diff: Added upstream patch
  to prevent "domainjoin-XXX leave" from failing if user/admin domain
  groups could not be removed from the builtin user/admin groups
  (LP BUG 575019)
* patches/assume_default_domain.diff: Fix regression in AssumeDefaultDomain
  (LP BUG 534629)
* patches/offline_v2.diff: Additional offline logon fixes (LP BUG 572271)
* patches/lwupgrade_mulit_sz.diff: Make preservation of multi-string values
  more robust (e.g. "RequireMembershipOf" LP BUG 574443)
* patches/reg_import_multi_sz.diff: Fix importing REG_MULTI_SZ strings
  that use the "\" character (LP BUG 575152)
* Added missing dependencies that prevent distribution and package upgrades
  from succeeding:
  - debian/control: Added libpam-runtime (LP BUG 627272, LP BUG 625105)
  - debian/control: Added psmisc (LP BUG 591893)
* Added statements to kill hung daemons that may prevent distribution and
  package upgrades from succeeding (LP BUG 621980):
  - debian/control: Added procps for pkill
  - debian/likewise-open.postinst, debian/likewise-open.preinst: Added
    explict kill for daemons that may hang
* debian/control: Modified XSBC-Original-Maintainer as Gerald Cater would
  like Scott Salley to handle likewise-open.

lp://staging/ubuntu/lucid/likewise-open bug 1 Development 2010-04-09 12:30:18 UTC
15. * Properly fix ARM FTBFS (LP: #517300...

Author: Michael Casadevall
Revision Date: 2010-04-09 12:30:18 UTC

* Properly fix ARM FTBFS (LP: #517300)
* debian/patches/correct_lsass_configure_platform_detection.patch
  - Added support for lsass on ARM including location of the PC for
    likewise-open's backtracing
  - Modified configure to know what ARM is
* debian/patches/dcerpc_support_arm.diff
  - Properly add ARM platform stubs and chitecture information.
  - Modified configure to know what ARM is
* debian/patches/autoreconf_dcerpc.diff & autoreconf_lsass.conf
  - Regenerate autotools for configuration changes made to support armel

lp://staging/~zulcss/ubuntu/lucid/likewise-open/likewise-open-sru bug 1 Development 2011-03-03 20:44:27 UTC
24. Clean up changelog

Author: Chuck Short
Revision Date: 2011-03-03 20:43:37 UTC

Clean up changelog

15 of 5 results