Branches for Karmic

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/ubuntu/karmic/tidy 1 Development 2009-06-26 20:59:02 UTC
6. * New cvs snapshot * debian/control: ...

Author: Jason Thomas
Revision Date: 2008-12-24 13:25:54 UTC

* New cvs snapshot
* debian/control: add debhelper ${misc:Depends} to all packages
- add versioned depend on libtidy-0.99-0 (>= 20081224cvs-1) for tidy
  (closes: #470764)
- add Homepage field
- update standards-version from to
* debian/tidy-doc.doc-base: change section from App/Text to Web Development
* debian/tidy.postinst + tidy.preinst: set the -e flag
* debian/README.source: new, how to build source tarball from upstream
* debian/README.Debian: add urls to more documentation
  (closes: #353912)
* debian/patches/03overview-tab-size.patch: add patch to fix tab-size
  (closes: #353907)
* tidy doc has been built from same source as tidy for a while
  (closes: #364960)
* debian/rules:
  - add -xml-config to generated manpage
  - clean up generated files
  (closes: #471107)
* manpage: -latin0 options has correct info as of 20080116cvs-1
  (closes: #506394 )

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