Branches for Karmic

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/ubuntu/karmic/namazu2 1 Development 2009-07-15 03:30:11 UTC
11. * Non-maintainer upload to fix a secu...

Author: Christian Perrier
Revision Date: 2008-03-31 20:27:40 UTC

* Non-maintainer upload to fix a security issue and pending l10n issues.
* New upstream release. Fixes CVE-2008-1468
  (allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via
   UTF-7 encoded input). Closes: #472644
* Fix the package description wrt availability of chasen
  Closes: #152873
* Fix packages' synopsis. Closes: #173006, #245404
* Debconf translations:
  - Dutch. Closes: #415497
  - Portuguese. Closes: #416825
  - Finnish. Closes: #472914
  - Galician. Closes: #475591
  - Basque. Closes: #475608
  - Russian. Closes: #476443
* [Lintian] Move libnmz7-dev to section "libdevel"
* [Lintian] Remove cruft from dh-make: debian/ex.doc-base.package
* [Lintian] No longer ignore errors from "make distclean"
* [Lintian] Set debhelper compatibility level in debian/compat
* [Lintian] Don't use $(PWD) in debian/rules, nor the "CWD=$(shell pwd)"
  trick previously used. Use $(CURDIR) instead.
* [Lintian] List "tk8.3" as first alternative before wish virtual package
* Replace "debconf | debconf2.0" by "${misc:Depends}" in dependencies

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