Branches for Karmic

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/ubuntu/karmic/myspell-pt-br 1 Development 2009-06-25 05:06:26 UTC
6. * New upstream release with Portugues...

Author: Rafael Laboissiere
Revision Date: 2009-04-21 23:25:42 UTC

* New upstream release with Portuguese orthography agreement
  (closes: #501790)
* debian/watch:
  + Fix regular expression for the upstream version
  + Call debian/ script for building the upstream tarball
* debian/ Build the tarball from the zip file dowloaded by
* debian/control:
  + Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.1
  + The package is now maintained with Git at Add
    Vcs-Git field and change Vcs-Browser accordingly.
  + Fix Lintian warning debhelper-but-no-misc-depends
  + Move dictionaries-common-dev into Build-Depends-Indep
* debian/copyright:
  + Update copyright years
  + Change license for Debian packaging to GPL-3

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