Branches for Karmic

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/ubuntu/karmic/liboobs bug 1 Development 2009-09-22 06:29:06 UTC
37. * New upstream release: (LP: #427007)...

Author: Robert Ancell
Revision Date: 2009-09-22 06:29:06 UTC

* New upstream release: (LP: #427007)
  - Print error from D-Bus in case of failure on start. This should greatly
    help debugging.
  - Don't consider empty user password as invalid.
  - Make gtk-doc code documentation use inlined section comments, so that it
    is updated on every change. This will ensure the documentation does not
    get outdated again.
  - Don't fail if homedir or shell are not set. (LP: #316667)
  - Fix crash when path to share is empty.
* debian/
  - Bump gtk-doc-tools build-depends
  - Add BZR link
* debian/patches/01_smb_crash.patch:
  - Applied upstream
* debian/rules:
  - Build with --enable-gtk-docs

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