Branches for Karmic

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/ubuntu/karmic/iptotal 1 Development 2009-08-25 03:33:37 UTC
5. * QA upload. * Added patch system (dp...

Author: Dario Minnucci
Revision Date: 2009-08-25 03:33:37 UTC

* QA upload.
* Added patch system (dpatch)
* debian/patches: 01_fix_ownership.dpatch
* debian/patches: 02_fix_for_arm_systems.dpatch (Closes: #459128)
* debian/patches: 03_manpage_fixes.dpatch (Closes: #379785)
* debian/patches: 03_fix_kbytes_sufixes.dpatch (Closes: #362480)
* debian/postinst: Fix ownership (Closes: #515951)
* debian/control: Compat version updated to >=7
* Standards-Version: Updated to 3.8.3
   - debian/README.source file
* debian/control: Homepage field added
* debian/watch: Added

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