Branches for Karmic

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/ubuntu/karmic/gnome-session 2 Mature 2010-02-21 08:22:06 UTC
127. * debian/patches/100_fix_xsmp_stop_cr...

Author: Chris Coulson
Revision Date: 2009-10-23 12:39:15 UTC

* debian/patches/100_fix_xsmp_stop_crash.patch:
  - Bugzilla patch to fix a crash when calling gsm_client_stop on
    an unregistered XSMP client in the client store (LP: #437425)
* debian/patches/101_screen_lock_on_suspend.patch:
  - Use the same logic as gnome-power-manager for deciding the "screen
    lock on suspend" policy. This restores the Jaunty behaviour rather
    than just using the screensaver settings, which is surprising for
    users (LP: #446191)

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