Branches for Jaunty

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/ubuntu/jaunty/libjpeg6b 1 Development 2009-05-13 22:47:35 UTC
4. * The "Lino" release. * exifautotran:...

Author: Bill Allombert
Revision Date: 2007-08-16 22:59:21 UTC

* The "Lino" release.
* exifautotran:
  - fix typo in manpage. closes: #376371, thanks Reuben Thomas.
  - preserve file mode. closes: #383379, thanks Vincent Arkesteijn.
* debian/control, debian/rules, debian/compat:
  + switch to debhelper v5
  + add libjpeg-dbg debugging package.
* debian/rules: remove - before "make clean" rules.
* Add patch 204_jpegtran_man to improve readability of manpage.
  closes: #437453. Thanks Jorgen Grahn.
* jpegexiforient.1: Apply patch from Jorgen Grahn to improve formatting.
  closes: #437446.

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