Branches for Intrepid

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/ubuntu/intrepid/radiusclient 1 Development 2009-06-27 11:59:35 UTC
4. * Non-maintainer upload to fix Failur...

Author: Margarita Manterola
Revision Date: 2008-02-28 12:42:34 UTC

* Non-maintainer upload to fix Failure To Build From Source.

[ Barry deFreese ]
* dh_makeshlibs before dh_shlibdeps. (Closes: #456870).
* Fix watch file. (Closes: #449695).
* Convert changelog to UTF-8. (Closes: #453981, #454004, #454015).

[ Margarita Manterola ]
* Integrated old changes suggested by Torsten Knodt (Closes: #191592):
  + Corrected lintian warnings:
    - Fixed debian/copyright wording.
    - Removed dot at the end of short descriptions.
  + Moved to debhelper version 4.
  + Cleaned up debian/rules.
  + Patched the sources in order to get a working DESTDIR variable.
* Cleaned up the whole build process.
* Removed unneeded files (*.files, *.conffiles, empty postinst/postrm)
* Updated to latest Standards-Version:
  + Added libradius1.postrm to comply with policy regarding ldconfig
* Fixed lintian warnings:
  + Fixed old changelog entries that closed bugs with the wrong format.

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