Branches for Hardy

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/ubuntu/hardy/mime-tools 2 Mature 2009-09-29 04:36:07 UTC
11. [ Martín Ferrari ] * New binary pack...

Author: Roberto C. Sanchez
Revision Date: 2008-01-15 23:08:32 UTC

[ Martín Ferrari ]

* New binary package: libmime-tools-perl (Closes: #297765).
* Make old binary package a dummy, only containing documentation dir, and
  minimal description. cannot use the symlinks method because of a bug in
  dpkg (couldn't find the number, see Method B in
* Pimp up debian/rules.
* debian/control:
- Bumped Standards-Version (no changes).
- Update to debhelper 6.
- Removed non-DDs from Uploaders.
* debian/watch: generalized the version.
* debian/copyright: moved to new format, and tried to include all
  information, including files that don't have a clear copyright or license

[ gregor herrmann ]
* Add "Provides: libmime-perl" to make life easier for packages with an
  unversioned dependency on libmime-perl.
* Add debian/TODO to remind us about dropping the Provides and the dummy

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