Branches for Gutsy

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/ubuntu/gutsy/libfile-tail-perl 1 Development 2009-07-27 22:29:32 UTC
4. * New upstream version 0.99.3 (Closes...

Author: Roland Rosenfeld
Revision Date: 2007-01-14 17:47:09 UTC

* New upstream version 0.99.3 (Closes: #329541).
* New maintainer.
* Add select_demo and logwatch to examples directory (Closes: #329256).
* Upgrade to debhelper 5.
* Move perl and libtime-hires-perl to Build-Depends-Indep.
* Create new debian/rules based on dh-make-perl and dpatch instead cdbs.
* Convert 010_pod_changes.patch to 10_pod_fixup.dpatch and merge in
  changes of and
* Remove empty unused usr/lib tree.
* Move from Section: interpreters to Section: perl.
* Depend on ${misc:Depends} instead ${shlibs:Depends}, because this is a
  binary-all package.
* Upgrade to Standards-Version 3.7.2.
* Remove README.Debian, because its content is already in copyright.
* Remove debian/dirs, because usr/share is automatically created.
* Cite perl copyright in debian/copyright instead of only pointing to

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