Branches for Feisty

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/ubuntu/feisty/dbus 1 Development 2009-12-05 17:20:34 UTC
42. * debian/rules: Start dbus at runleve...

Author: Martin Pitt
Revision Date: 2007-03-08 13:53:22 UTC

* debian/rules: Start dbus at runlevel priority 12, so that it comes before
  gdm. This eliminates the race condition of starting the X session before
  hal is running. (LP: #25931 and two handfuls of dups)
* debian/dbus.postinst: Migrate rc?.d symlinks from 20 to 12 on upgrades to
  this version.
* debian/control: Set Ubuntu maintainer.
* debian/rules: Clean up doc/*.html (they are generated from XML sources).

lp://staging/ubuntu/feisty-proposed/dbus 1 Development 2009-12-05 17:21:20 UTC
43. * Add debian/patches/02_dbus-launch_c...

Author: Martin Pitt
Revision Date: 2007-07-26 11:08:35 UTC

* Add debian/patches/02_dbus-launch_close_pipe.patch:
  - _dbus_get_autolaunch_address(): When calling dbus-launch fails,
     close the reading end of the pipe.
  - This caused a serious fd leak in programs like cups when they repeatedly
    try to send dbus messages, dbus is not running, and dbus-launch is not
    available or otherwise fails to execute.
  - LP: #112803

lp://staging/ubuntu/feisty-security/dbus 1 Development 2009-12-05 17:20:47 UTC
43. * SECURITY UPDATE: policy bypass with...

Author: Kees Cook
Revision Date: 2008-10-13 19:48:09 UTC

* SECURITY UPDATE: policy bypass with NULL interfaces.
  - Add 82-NULL-policy-bypass.patch: upstream fixes.
  - CVE-2008-0595
* SECURITY UPDATE: application crash via corrupt signatures.
  - Add 83-signature-validation.patch: upstream fixes.
  - CVE-2008-3834

lp://staging/ubuntu/feisty-updates/dbus 1 Development 2009-12-05 17:21:35 UTC
43. * SECURITY UPDATE: policy bypass with...

Author: Kees Cook
Revision Date: 2008-10-13 19:48:09 UTC

* SECURITY UPDATE: policy bypass with NULL interfaces.
  - Add 82-NULL-policy-bypass.patch: upstream fixes.
  - CVE-2008-0595
* SECURITY UPDATE: application crash via corrupt signatures.
  - Add 83-signature-validation.patch: upstream fixes.
  - CVE-2008-3834

14 of 4 results