Branches for Edgy

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/ubuntu/edgy/mime-tools 1 Development 2009-09-29 04:34:53 UTC
6. * NMU (with permission from maintaine...

Author: Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
Revision Date: 2006-04-19 15:05:56 UTC

* NMU (with permission from maintainer)
* New upstream version (closes: #363400, #363279)
  + Fix quoted-printable regression
* Remove doc-base support:
  Upstream does not ship any sort of HTML documentation, and whomever
  added it to the Debian package, did not document it or leave any
  code around to regenerate it. If you want to readd it, please get
  the doc-base file from 5.419-1 or previous, but do it properly and
  generate the **** docs instead of silently copying them inside a
  repacked orig.tar.gz tarball! Note that all of this documentation
  is easily accessible as manpages (which are shipped in the package),
  and through perldoc anyway.

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