Branches for Breezy

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/ubuntu/breezy/mozilla 1 Development 2009-12-05 08:43:27 UTC
5. Recompile everything -fno-strict-alia...

Author: Ian Jackson
Revision Date: 2005-10-10 11:56:12 UTC

Recompile everything -fno-strict-aliasing. See 17276.

lp://staging/ubuntu/breezy-security/mozilla 1 Development 2009-08-16 15:20:29 UTC
8. * SECURITY UPDATE: Multiple vulnerabi...

Author: Martin Pitt
Revision Date: 2006-10-10 10:26:39 UTC

* SECURITY UPDATE: Multiple vulnerabilities.
* Patches taken from Debian security updates 2:1.7.8-1sarge7.2.1,
  2:1.7.8-1sarge7.2.2, and 2:1.7.8-1sarge7.3.1. Thanks to Alexander Sack
  <> for the huge backporting work!
* CVE-2006-2788: Double-free vulnerability in the getRawDER().
* CVE-2006-3805, CVE-2006-3806, MFSA 2006-50: JavaScript engine vulnerabilities
* CVE-2006-3807, MFSA 2006-51: Privilege escalation using named-functions
  and redefined "new Object()"
* CVE-2006-3808, MFSA 2006-52: PAC privilege escalation using
* CVE-2006-3809, MFSA 2006-53: UniversalBrowserRead privilege escalation
* CVE-2006-3811, MFSA 2006-55: Crashes with evidence of memory corruption
* CVE-2006-4565, MFSA 2006-57: JavaScript Regular Expression Heap Corruption
* CVE-2006-4340, MFSA 2006-60: RSA Signature Forgery
* CVE-2006-4568, MFSA 2006-61: Frame spoofing using
* CVE-2006-4570, MFSA 2006-63: JavaScript execution in mail via XBL
* CVE-2006-4571, MFSA 2006-64: Crashes with evidence of memory corruption

lp://staging/ubuntu/breezy-updates/mozilla 1 Development 2009-08-16 15:21:15 UTC
6. Increase version number to be newer t...

Author: Martin Pitt
Revision Date: 2005-10-12 21:31:52 UTC

Increase version number to be newer than hoary-security.

13 of 3 results