Branches for Breezy

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/ubuntu/breezy/libconfig-inifiles-perl 1 Development 2009-05-18 23:47:26 UTC
3. * Change unnecessary auto-generated d...

Author: Jonas Smedegaard
Revision Date: 2004-09-25 21:38:04 UTC

* Change unnecessary auto-generated dependency on perl to perl-base.
  Requested by Konstantinos Margaritis <> to minimize
  dependencies for localization-config (and thus debian-installer
  netinst image).
* Standards-Version: 3.6.1 (no changes needed).
* Add usage note to watch file.
* Mention "Debian GNU systems" in intro line if debian/copyright.
* Correct location of Artistic license (to please lintian).
* Shorten short description (all lib*-perl packages are modules...).
* Use (and build-depend on) dh-buildinfo.
* Set urgency=high as none of the above changes should cause any risk,
  and dropping perl dependency is important for debian-installer.

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