weston (1.3.0-1ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=low
* rules, weston.install: Build using --with-cairo=image, since our cairo
disabled the gl backend. Don't try to install the screensaver.
weston (1.3.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Sven Joachim ]
* Bump libwayland-dev build-depends to (>= 1.2.0).
[ Laurent Bigonville ]
* debian/rules:
- Install weston-launch with setuid bit set (LP: #1102597)
- Set libexec path to /usr/lib/weston
* debian/weston.lintian-overrides: Add override for the mode of weston-launch
* debian/weston.examples: Install weston.ini as an example file
* debian/weston.postinst: Create weston-launch group on installation
(LP: #1203017)
* debian/control, debian/weston.install: Enable colord support
* debian/README.Debian: Fix directions on how to run weston under KMS
(Closes: #714379)
* debian/control: Add a dependency against adduser
* debian/control: Use canonical URL's for Vcs field
[ Timo Aaltonen ]
* rules: Explicitly enable cairo-gl so that weston-screensaver gets
[ Hector Oron ]
* New upstream release (1.3.0) (Closes: #719144).
* Add myself to Uploaders.
* Switch Debian source format to 3.0 quilt
-- Timo Aaltonen <email address hidden> Thu, 07 Nov 2013 18:10:33 +0200