ufw (0.29-3) unstable; urgency=low
* use upstart instead of sysv initscript on Ubuntu (LP: #431804)
- debian/control: Bump build-dependency on debhelper for Upstart-aware
dh_installinit. Add Build-Dep on lsb-release
- add debian/ufw.upstart.ubuntu
- move debian/ufw.init to debian/ufw.init.debian
- debian/ufw.init: rename to debian/ufw.init.debian and update insserv
info to reflect reality
- debian/rules: use upstart if Ubuntu and sysv if Debian
- debian/postinst and debian/postrm: remove calls to update-rc.d
* error out when filesystem is read-only. Merge from trunk (LP: #430053)
* catch exception if can't find parent pid when refreshing application
profiles. Merge from trunk (LP: #424528)
* add doc/upstart.example and update README for Debian users who want to
use upstart
-- Jamie Strandboge <email address hidden> Fri, 18 Sep 2009 15:35:45 +0100