policykit-1-gnome (0.105-2ubuntu1) utopic; urgency=low
* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
- 04-autorestart.patch: Add gnome session restart support to ensure we
always have an authentication agent running. To be forwarded upstream.
- 06-authentication-failure-string.patch: Improve error message displayed
when authentication fails.
- 07-use-accountsservice.patch: get user icon from
accountsservice instead of looking in ~/.face. (LP: #928249)
- debian/patches/08-fresh-x11-timestamps.patch: use fresh X11 timestamps
when displaying authentication dialog to circumvent focus-stealing
prevention. (LP: #946171)
- Tell the .desktop file for the authentication agent to auto-restart the
agent in case of failure.
- add dh --with translations
policykit-1-gnome (0.105-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Drop 0001-Revert-Drop-marshaller-complications.patch and add an explizit
Build-Depends on libglib2.0-dev (>= 2.30) instead.
* Fix versioned Build-Depends on dpkg-dev.
The snippet was added in version 1.16.1, not 1.6.1.
-- Michael Vogt <email address hidden> Tue, 13 May 2014 08:07:21 +0200