libopenmpt 0.6.5-1 source package in Ubuntu


libopenmpt (0.6.5-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream version 0.6.5

 -- Sebastian Ramacher <email address hidden>  Mon, 29 Aug 2022 20:57:25 +0200

Upload details

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Debian Multimedia Team
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Original maintainer:
Debian Multimedia Team
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Medium Urgency

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Series Pocket Published Component Section
Kinetic release universe misc


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
libopenmpt_0.6.5-1.dsc 2.4 KiB 4f9cf3e41744fd138dc9d1d9800d60a8390e624d23a22a9f24a95c91b3521c05
libopenmpt_0.6.5.orig.tar.gz 1.5 MiB f22abe977cdae405f685b75150e7fb155b2c7896b4700fd54abe68840f66e9c0
libopenmpt_0.6.5-1.debian.tar.xz 10.9 KiB e42e39749f8b04f178b269c70ebfe7a5612277d3907d1bc88123b080cd2cfdfe

Available diffs

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Binary packages built by this source

libopenmpt-dev: module music library based on OpenMPT -- development files

 libopenmpt is a cross-platform C++ and C library to decode tracked music
 files (modules) into a raw PCM audio stream. It is based on the player code
 of the OpenMPT project, a descendant of the original ModPlug Tracker.
 This package contains the development files required to compile programs
 using libopenmpt.

libopenmpt-doc: module music library based on OpenMPT -- documentation

 libopenmpt is a cross-platform C++ and C library to decode tracked music
 files (modules) into a raw PCM audio stream. It is based on the player code
 of the OpenMPT project, a descendant of the original ModPlug Tracker.
 This package contains documentation for developing programs which use

libopenmpt0: module music library based on OpenMPT -- shared library

 libopenmpt is a cross-platform C++ and C library to decode tracked music
 files (modules) into a raw PCM audio stream. It is based on the player code
 of the OpenMPT project, a descendant of the original ModPlug Tracker.
 This package contains the main shared library.

libopenmpt0-dbgsym: debug symbols for libopenmpt0
openmpt123: module music library based on OpenMPT -- music player

 libopenmpt is a cross-platform C++ and C library to decode tracked music
 files (modules) into a raw PCM audio stream. It is based on the player code
 of the OpenMPT project, a descendant of the original ModPlug Tracker.
 This package contains the openmpt123 command-line module player.

openmpt123-dbgsym: debug symbols for openmpt123