cscope (15.7a-3.1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Jari Aalto ]
* Non-maintainer upload.
- Move to packaging format "3.0 (quilt)" due to patch.
- Move from dpatch to quilt patch system.
* debian/copyright
- Point to GPL-2. Use FSF URL (Lintian).
* debian/control
- (Build-Depends): Update to debhelper 7.1.
- (cscope::Description): Fix french hyphens.
- (cscope-el::Description): Extend description.
* debian/{cscope,cscope-el}.preinst
- Add "set -e".
* debian/cscope-indexer.1
- Fix hyphens.
* debian/patches
- Convert all dpatch(es) into quilt format.
- (Number 04): Refresh patch. Fix also hyphens in manpage.
* debian/README.source
- Delete; obsoleted by new packaging format.
* debian/ocs.1
- Fix hyphens and spelling.
* debian/rules
- Remove dpatch. Move to dh(1) build system.
- (clean): Add rm for config.log.
* debian/source/format
- New file.
[ Hideki Yamane (Debian-JP) <email address hidden> ]
* debian/control
- (Package::cscope-el): New. separete emacs lisp to cscope-el package
(Closes: #565727).
* debian/cscope-el.{emacsen-install,emacsen-remove,install,preinst}
- New files.
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Tue, 25 May 2010 10:14:33 +0100