apt-file (2.5.1ubuntu1) raring-proposed; urgency=low
* Merge from Debian unstable (LP: #1073472). Remaining changes:
- Fix location of Contents files for Ubuntu.
apt-file (2.5.1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Thijs Kinkhorst ]
* Fix searching for patterns that start with a '-'. This still requires
specifying '--' before the pattern (closes: #631438, LP: #801336)
* Unset env variables that may influence the behaviour of grep
(closes: #617183).
* Japanese translation of update-notifier text by Hideki Yamane
(closes: #641199).
* Improve man page layout and help output text. Thanks Jari Aalto for
the patch! (Closes: #651695)
* rapt-file: replace dpkg-architecture call with dpkg --architecture,
obsoleting the depends-heavy recommendation on dpkg-dev. Thanks
helix84 (Closes: #671225).
* Checked for policy 3.9.3, no changes needed. Add explicit python
recommendation, even though we transitively recommended it via
python-apt already, to satisfy Lintian.
* Add rapt-file manual page (Closes: #613005).
[ Enrico Zini ]
* rapt-file: Updated distribution names, now it works on wheezy.
(Closes: #663592)
* rapt-file: deal with missing /etc/apt/sources.list. (Closes: #636564)
-- Chase Douglas <email address hidden> Wed, 31 Oct 2012 10:09:50 +0100