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glance-sync-master-layer has 1 active review. See all merge proposals.


Name Last Modified Last Commit
community_image_support 2018-10-08 14:59:10 UTC
Rewrote reactive part to seed the mysql connection

Author: Wouter van Bommel
Author Date: 2018-09-27 08:37:01 UTC

Rewrote reactive part to seed the mysql connection

Introduced the mysql-root layer so that we can gain access to the glance

Using this database the list of images can be seeded with community type
images. Rest of the code is untouched.

Removed the seeding of a novarc. This in not needed, probably introduced
due to a bug in keystone, providing invalid credentials for admin.
This charm does depend on a fixed version.

 Added .pre-commit-config.yaml will help to standardize the layout
 If the charm name is > 16 characters this will fail. So this charm should
  be deployed under a different name in order for this relation to succeed,
  pending fixes in the percona-cluster charm.
 For this charm to work with the keystone relation, a fix to the
  charm-keystone should be applied, see;
 Removed broken unittests
 Removed support for trusty as it does not work with reactive charms

master 2017-02-23 17:28:33 UTC
fix: not only log but remove old metadata from local disk

Author: Alvaro Uria
Author Date: 2017-02-23 17:28:33 UTC

fix: not only log but remove old metadata from local disk

12 of 2 results

Other repositories

Name Last Modified
lp:~jamesh5979/glance-sync-master-layer 2018-11-30
lp:~woutervb/glance-sync-master-layer 2018-10-24
lp:~xavpaice/glance-sync-master-layer 2018-10-12
lp:glance-sync-master-layer 2018-10-11
14 of 4 results
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