Branches for Jessie

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/debian/jessie/synergy 1 Development 2014-03-16 22:58:26 UTC
14. * New upstream version. * Update Stan...

Author: Jeff Licquia
Revision Date: 2014-03-16 22:58:26 UTC

* New upstream version.
* Update Standards-Version.
* Switch from docbook-to-man to docbook-utils for SGML man
  page processing.
* Switch package version control from bzr to git.
* Update man pages to note loss of --crypto-mode.
* Add notes about the security of synergy's native crypto.
* Remove faulty example. Closes: #726526.
* Tested Qt GUI, which works fine. Closes: #415604.
* Disable nag warning about newer upstream versions. Closes: #731773.
* Update watch file.

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