Branches for Jessie

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/debian/jessie/gem2deb 1 Development 2014-09-08 14:07:02 UTC
38. * gem2deb-test-runner: add '.' to $LO...

Author: Antonio Terceiro
Revision Date: 2014-09-08 14:07:02 UTC

* gem2deb-test-runner: add '.' to $LOAD_PATH with --autopkgtest
* dh-make-ruby won't create debian/tests/control anymore since autopkgtest
  will now auto-detect Ruby packages and assume an implicit tests
  definition. debian/tests/control.ex will be created instead, with comments
  explaining to either modify it and rename to control, or delete it.
* dh-make-ruby: when test/ or spec/ exists, create debian/ruby-tests.rake
  with the appropriate rake invocation to run the tests, instead of being
  insecure and creating files all commented out.
* install 'gem2deb/rake/testtask.rb' to gem2deb-test-runner instead of
* dh-make-ruby: generate uncommented Vcs-* headers in debian/control
* dh-make-ruby: remove version qualifier from build-dependency on gem2deb to
  remove friction when backporting.

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